Providing notifications

Welcome to the notifcation portal of Cloud&Heat

Our commitment to transparency and integrity is at the centre of our corporate values. We want to ensure that irregularities or potentially illegal activities are recognised and rectified immediately. That is why we have set up this portal to give you the opportunity to inform us confidentially and, if you wish, anonymously about any problems.

How can you provide us with your notice?

Send us information about grievances relating to our company via the following notification portal:

Your anonymity is guaranteed

We understand that there may be situations where you do not wish to speak publicly. Therefore, we have implemented mechanisms to ensure that you can submit your comments anonymously. Your identity will be kept confidential unless you explicitly choose to disclose your identity.

Reporting of illegal activities

If you have any information about illegal activities in connection with our company, please inform us via the above-mentioned notification portal. We take every report seriously and will take appropriate steps to investigate and, if necessary, rectify the matter.

Data leaks on the internet

Should you come across data leaks that can be traced back to our company, please report them immediately via this portal. The security of your data and information is our top priority and we will take immediate action to minimise potential risks.

Your co-operation is crucial to maintaining our high standards. We value your trust and commitment to integrity. Thank you for helping us to promote a responsible and transparent corporate culture.